40TB Promise Technology

Very Popular with Apple Mac & Mac Pro users.

Promise Technology Storage Arrays - DAS & SAN Direct Attached Storage Arrays using Thunderbolt & USB 3.0 and SAN using iSCSI Gigabit and 10G links.

1 Product

PROMISE P32R4HD40US DAS Storage Array

Promise Technology Pegasus32 P32R4HD40US 40TB Storage Array


Enterprise Grade

Capacity: 40TB

Interface Types: Thunderbolt

Electrical Interface: Thunderbolt 3 - 40Gbps

Bays/Ports/Slots: 4

  • Special Order - Ships in 3-5 business days
    Special Order - Ships in 3-5 business days

    This item has a lead time for fulfilment (as listed), this is approximate. Your credit card will be authorized in full on the day of ordering; it will not be charged until the day of shipment.